Monday, January 25, 2010

So Ready!

I am already so ready to have this baby! I am getting to huge! My husband painted Zoe's room this weekend. It is pink go figure right. My son Blake will not stop begging for his baby sister to come out so he can feed her milk (hahaha). Of all things right...he is so ready to be a big brother! He says he is going to change dirty diapers, feed her and play with her...we will see how long that last after the first dirty diaper.
Overall my pregnancy has been great! Never had any morning sickness and overall have been healthy the entire time. I am gaining way too much weight and am so ready to start losing the weight after Zoe Michelle Condon comes out of my tummy.
I will try to post pictures of Zoe's room when I get it finished up! I hope everybody is doing well!

Much Love!